The Utility-Fairness Trade-Offs in Learning Fair Representations

Wayne State University (CSE Graduate Seminar)


Progress In Machine Learning

Speech Processing
Image Analysis
Natural Language Processing
Physical Sciences

Key Drivers
Data, Compute, Algorithms


(report from the real-world)
"Machine Bias"

"Facial recognition is accurate, if you're a white guy"

  • Boulamwini and Gebru, "Gender Shades:Intersectional Accuracy Disparities in Commercial Gender Classification," FAT 2018
"Black Artists Say A.I. Shows Bias"

"How AI reduces the world to stereotypes"
"LLMs propagate race-based medicine"
Real world machine learning systems are effective but,

are biased,

violate user’s privacy and

not trustworthy.

Today's Agenda

Build ML systems that are fair while retaining utility.

Trade-Offs in Fair Machine Learning

Questions of Interest

    • What are the trade-offs between fairness and utility?

    • When do the trade-offs between fairness and utility exist?

    • How to explicitly characterize the utility-fairness trade-offs?
The What

Short Answer: Data and Label Space Trade-Offs

What are the Trade-Offs in Fair Machine Learning?

  • Sadeghi, Dehdashtian, Boddeti, "On Characterizing the Trade-off in Invariant Representation Learning," TMLR 2022
  • Dehdashtian, Sadeghi, Boddeti, "The Utility-Fairness Trade-offs in Learning Fair Representations," (Under Review)

Fairness: The Multi-Headed Hydra

Fairness Definitions: Statistical Parity

Fairness Definitions: Equalized Odds

Fairness Definitions: Equality of Opportunity

The When

Short Answer: Target and demographic attributes are related.

A Causal Perspective

$Y$ is related to $S \Rightarrow$ trade-off exists.

A Subspace Geometry Perspective

  • Case 1: when $\mathcal{S} \perp \!\!\! \perp \mathcal{T}$ (Gender, Age)
  • Case 3: when $\mathcal{S} \sim \mathcal{T}$ ($\mathcal{T}\subseteq\mathcal{S}$)
  • Case 2: when $\mathcal{S} \not\perp \!\!\! \perp \mathcal{T}$ (High Cheekbones, Gender)
  • B. Sadeghi, L. Wang, V.N. Boddeti, ‘‘Adversarial Representation Learning with Closed-Form Solutions," CVPRW 2020
The How

Short Answer: It depends

From Fair Learning to Fair Representation Learning

$Z \perp \!\!\! \perp S \Rightarrow \hat{Y} \perp \!\!\! \perp S$

Learning Fair Representations

  • Target Attribute: Smile & Demographic Attribute: Gender
  • Problem Definition:
    • Learn a representation $\mathbf{z} \in \mathbb{R}^d$ from data $\mathbf{x}$
    • Retain information necessary to predict target attribute $\mathbf{t}\in\mathcal{T}$
    • Remove information related to a desired demographic attribute $\mathbf{s}\in\mathcal{S}$

A Fork in the Road

  • Design metric to measure sensitive demographic attribute information
    • non-parameteric statistical dependence measures, this talk

  • Learn metric to measure semantic attribute information
    • probably feasible, many prior attempts
Prior Work: Adversarial Representation Learning

Game Theoretic Formulation

  • Three player game between:
    • Encoder extracts features $\mathbf{z}$
    • Target Predictor for desired task from features $\mathbf{z}$
    • Adversary extracts sensitive information from features $\mathbf{z}$
    $$ \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \min_{\mathbf{\Theta}_E,\mathbf{\Theta}_T} & \underbrace{\color{cyan}{J_t(\mathbf{\Theta}_E,\mathbf{\Theta}_T)}}_{\color{cyan}{\text{error of target}}} \quad s.t. \text{ } \min_{\mathbf{\Theta}_A} \underbrace{\color{orange}{J_s(\mathbf{\Theta}_E,\mathbf{\Theta}_A)}}_{\color{orange}{\text{error of adversary}}} \geq \alpha \nonumber \end{aligned} \end{equation} $$
  • Adversary: learned measure of semantic attribute information

How do we learn model parameters?

  • Simultaneous/Alternating Stochastic Gradient Descent
    • Update target while keeping encoder and adversary frozen.
    • Update adversary while keeping encoder and target frozen.
    • Update encoder while keeping target and adversary frozen.

ARL is Suboptimal

Unstable Optimization

Lack of Invariance Guarantees

Overview of our Solutions

    • Standard Adversarial Representation Learning
    • Linear Adversarial Measure: linear dependency between $Z$ and $S$ [ICCV 2019, CVPRW 2020]
    • Non-Linear Adversarial Measure: Beyond linear dependency between $Z$ and $S$, but not all types [ECML 2021]
    • Universal Dependence Measure: All types of dependency between $Z$ and $S$ [TMLR 2022]
    • End-to-End Universal Dependence Measure: All types of dependency between $Z$ and $S$ [Under Review]

Covariance Operator and Dependence Measure

Linear Dependence: $\displaystyle C_{SZ}\approx\displaystyle \frac{1}{n}{\color{Maroon}\tilde{\bm S}} \tilde{\bm Z}^T$

Universal Dependence: $\displaystyle \Sigma_{SZ}\approx\frac{1}{n}{\color{Maroon}\tilde{\bm K}_S} \tilde{\bm K}_Z$

$\mathcal H_Z\times\mathcal H_S\rightarrow \mathbb R:\ Cov\left(\alpha(Z),\ \beta({\color{Maroon}S})\right)$

$=\big\langle \beta, \Sigma_{SZ}\, \alpha \big\rangle_{\mathcal H_S}, \Sigma_{SZ}:\mathcal H_Z\rightarrow \mathcal H_S$

$Z \perp \!\!\! \perp {\color{Maroon}S} \Leftrightarrow \Sigma_{SZ} =0 \Leftrightarrow \left\|\Sigma_{SZ}\right\| =0$, where $\|\cdot\|$ can be any operator norm
HSIC$(Z,S)=\left\|\Sigma_{SZ}\right\|^2_{\text{HS}}=\displaystyle\sum_{\alpha\in\mathcal U_Z}\sum_{\beta\in \mathcal H_S}Cov^2(\alpha(Z),\beta(S))$

Universal Dependence Measure

$\mathcal A_r:=\Big\{(f_1,\cdots,f_r)\,|\,Cov(f_i(X), f_j(X))+\gamma \langle f_i, f_j\rangle_{\mathcal H_X}=\delta_{i,j} \Big\}$
$\displaystyle\sup_{\bm f\in\mathcal A_r} {\Big\{J(\bm f):=\color{ForestGreen}(1-\lambda)\,\text{Dep}(Z, Y)}{\color{Maroon}-\lambda\,\text{Dep}(Z, S) }\Big\}$
Solution: eigenfunctions corresponding to the $r$ largest eigenvalues of $\big({\color{ForestGreen}(1-\lambda)\, \Sigma_{YX}^*\,\Sigma_{YX}}{\color{Maroon}-\lambda\,\Sigma_{SX}^*\Sigma_{SX} }\big)\bm f = \tau (\Sigma_{XX}+\gamma I)\bm f$
  • Sadeghi, Dehdashtian, Boddeti, "On Characterizing the Trade-off in Invariant Representation Learning," TMLR 2022

End-to-End Dependence Universal Measure

  • Learning through alternating optimization
  • Dehdashtian, Sadeghi, Boddeti, "The Utility-Fairness Trade-offs in Learning Fair Representations," (Under Review)

Estimating Trade-Offs on Real Datasets

Face Image Dataset

  • Liu, Luo, Wang and Tang "Deep Learning Face Attributes in the Wild," ICCV 2015

CelebA Faces

  • $Y$: high cheekbones (binary) and $S$: age and sex (continuous + binary)
  • Sadeghi, Dehdashtian, Boddeti, "On Characterizing the Trade-off in Invariant Representation Learning," TMLR 2022
  • Dehdashtian, Sadeghi, Boddeti, "The Utility-Fairness Trade-offs in Learning Fair Representations," (Under Review)


  • $Y$: employement status (binary) and $S$: age (continuous)
  • Sadeghi, Dehdashtian, Boddeti, "On Characterizing the Trade-off in Invariant Representation Learning," TMLR 2022
  • Dehdashtian, Sadeghi, Boddeti, "The Utility-Fairness Trade-offs in Learning Fair Representations," (Under Review)

Other Aspects of Fairness in AI

How about zero-shot models?

Fairness of Zero-Shot Predictions

  • $Y$: high cheekbones (binary)
  • $S$: sex (binary)
  • Dehdashtian, Wang, Boddeti, "FairVLM: Mitigating Bias in Pre-Trained Vision-Language Models," Under Review


  • Dehdashtian, Wang, Boddeti, "FairVLM: Mitigating Bias in Pre-Trained Vision-Language Models," Under Review

Chicago Face Dataset

  • $Y$: attractiveness (binary)
  • $S$: gender (binary)
  • Dehdashtian, Wang, Boddeti, "FairVLM: Mitigating Bias in Pre-Trained Vision-Language Models," Under Review

How about Data?

  • DataComp: In search of the next generation of multimodal datasets, NeurIPS D&B 2023

Troubling Trends in Dataset Scaling

Scale exacerbates hate content.
  • Birhane, Prabhu, Han and Boddeti, "On Hate Scaling Laws For Data-Swamps," arXiv:2306.13141
  • Birhane, Prabhu, Han, Boddeti, Luccioni, "Into the LAION's Den: Investigating Hate in Multimodal Datasets," NeurIPS D&B Track 2023

Troubling Trends in Dataset Scaling

Scale exacerbates stereotypes.
  • Birhane, Prabhu, Han and Boddeti, "On Hate Scaling Laws For Data-Swamps," arXiv:2306.13141
  • Birhane, Prabhu, Han, Boddeti, Luccioni, "Into the LAION's Den: Investigating Hate in Multimodal Datasets," NeurIPS D&B Track 2023

Concluding Remarks


    • Next generation of machine learning systems have to be designed with fairness constraints.

    • Identified two trade-offs between utility and fairness.

    • Proposed algorithms to characterize the utility-fairness trade-off.

    • Appreciable gap exists between current solutions and ideal trade-off.

Thank You