CSE 891: Deep Learning
Vishnu Boddeti
Monday October 05, 2020
Adversarial Examples
Style Transfer
Looking Inside a Neural Network
What are the intermediate features looking for?
Interpreting Weights: First Layer
Interpreting Features
Last Layer:
4096-dimensional feature vector for an image
layer immediately before the classifier
Run the network on many images and collect the feature vectors
Nearest Neighbors
$L_2$ Nearest Neighbors in feature space.
Dimensionality Reduction
Visualize the space of feature vectors via dimensionality reduction to 2 dimensions.
Dimensionality Reduction:
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
More Complex: t-SNE
Even more complex: DeepMDS
Van der Maaten and Hinton "Visualizing Data using t-SNE" JMLR 2008
Gong "On the Intrinsic Dimensionality of Image Representations" CVPR 2019
Dimensionality Reduction
521-D Features
10-D Features
2-D Features
Visualizing Activations
conv5 feature map is $128\times 13\times 13$;visualize as 123 $13\times 13$ grayscale images.
Maximally Activating Patches
Pick a layer and a channel; e.g. conv5 is $128\times 13\times 13$, pick channel 17/128
Run many images through the network, record values of chosen channel
Visualize image patches that correspond to maximal activations
Springenberg "Striving for Simplicity: The All Convolutional Net" ICLR Workshop 2015
Which Pixels Matter?
Saliency via Occlusion
Mask part of the image before feeding to CNN, check how much predicted probabilities change
Zeiler "Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks" ECCV 2014
Which Pixels Matter?
Saliency via Backpropagation
Forward pass: Compute probabilities
Compute gradient of (unnormalized) class score with respect to image pixels, take absolute value and max over RGB channels
Simonyan "Deep Inside Convolutional Networks: Visualizing Image Classification Models and Saliency Maps" ICLR Workshop 2014
Saliency via Backprop
Simonyan "Deep Inside Convolutional Networks: Visualizing Image Classification Models and Saliency Maps" ICLR Workshop 2014
Segmentation from Saliency Maps
Using GrabCut on saliency map
Guided Backpropagation
Guided backprop is a total hack, but useful.
Do the backward pass as normal, but apply the ReLU nonlinearity to all the activation error signals.
y = \mbox{ReLU}(z) \quad z' = \begin{cases} y' & \quad \text{if } z > 0 \mbox{ and } y' > 0 \\ 0 & \quad \text{otherwise}\end{cases}
Note: this isn’t really the gradient of anything!
We want to visualize what excites a given unit, not what suppresses it.
Guided Backprop
Guided Backpropagation Examples
Visualizing CNN Features
Guided Backprop: Find part of the image a neuron responds to
Gradient Ascent: Generate a synthetic image that maximally activates a neuron
$$\mathbf{I}^* = \underset{\mathbf{I}}{\operatorname{arg max}} \color{cyan}{f(\mathbf{I})} + \color{yellow}{R(\mathbf{I})}$$
$\color{cyan}{f(\mathbf{I})}$: Neuron Value
$\color{yellow}{R(\mathbf{I})}$: Natural Image Regularizer
Gradient Ascent
$$\underset{\mathbf{I}}{\operatorname{arg max}} \color{cyan}{S_c(\mathbf{I})} -\lambda \|\mathbf{I}\|_2^2$$
Initialize image to zeros
Forward image to compute current scores
Backprop to get gradient of neuron value with respect to image pixels
Make a small update to the image
Gradient Ascent
$$\underset{\mathbf{I}}{\operatorname{arg max}} S_c(\mathbf{I}) -\lambda\color{red}{\|\mathbf{I}\|_2^2}$$
Simple Regularizer: Penalize $L_2$ norm of generated image
Gradient Ascent
$$\underset{\mathbf{I}}{\operatorname{arg max}} S_c(\mathbf{I}) -\lambda\|\mathbf{I}\|_2^2$$
Better Regularizer: Penalize $L_2$ norm of image; also during optimization periodically
Gaussian blur image
Clip pixels with small values to 0
Clip pixels with small gradients to 0
Yosinski "Understanding Neural Networks through Deep Visualization" ICML DL Workshop 2014
Gradient Ascent
Use the same approach to visualize intermediate features
Gradient Ascent
Adding "multi-faceted" visualization gives even nicer results along with more careful regularization, center-bias.
Nguyen "Multifaceted Feature Visualization: Uncovering the Different Types of Features Learned By Each Neuron in Deep Neural Networks" ICML Visualization for DL Workshop 2016
Gradient Ascent
Nguyen "Synthesizing the preferred inputs for neurons in neural networks via deep generator networks" NeurIPS 2016
What are Adversarial Examples?
One of the most surprising findings about neural nets has been the existence of adversarial inputs , i.e. inputs optimized to fool an algorithm.
Given an image for one category (e.g. "cat"), compute the image gradient to maximize the network’s output unit for a different category (e.g. "dog")
Perturb the image slightly in this direction, and chances are, the network will think it is a dog.
A faster alternative is to take the sign of the entries in the gradient; this is called the fast gradient sign method .
Adversarial Examples: Recipe
Start from an arbitrary image
Pick an arbitrary category
Modify image to maximize the class score (typically via SGD)
Stop when the network is fooled
Szegedy "Intriguing properties of neural networks" ICLR 2014
Adversarial Examples
African Elephant
$10\times$ Difference
$10\times$ Difference
Adversarial Examples
2013: this is cute
The paper which introduced adversarial examples was titled "Intriguing Properties of Neural Networks."
2018: serious security threat
No reliable methods yet to defend against them.
7 of 8 proposed defenses accepted to ICLR 2018 were cracked within days.
Adversarial examples transfer to different networks trained on a totally separate training set!
You don’t need access to the original network; you can train up a new network to match its predictions, and then construct adversarial examples for that.
Attack carried out against proprietary classification networks accessed using prediction APIs (MetaMind, Amazon, Google)
Feature Inversion
Given a CNN activation for an image, find a new image that:
Matches the given activation map
"looks natural" (image prior regularization)
\mathbf{x}^* &=& \underset{\mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{R}^{H\times W\times C}}{\operatorname{arg min}} \mathcal{L}\left(\Phi(\mathbf{x}), \Phi_0)\right) + \lambda\mathcal{R}(\mathbf{x}) \\
\mathcal{L}\left(\Phi(\mathbf{x}), \Phi_0)\right) &=& \|\Phi(\mathbf{x})-\Phi_0\|_2^2 \\
\mathcal{R}_{\beta}(\mathbf{x}) &=& \underbrace{\sum_{i,j}\left((x_{i,j+1}-x_{ij})^2+(x_{i+1,j}-x_{ij})^2\right)^{\frac{\beta}{2}}}_{\mbox{Total Variation (encourages spatial smoothness)}}
Feature Inversion
Reconstructing from different layers of VGG-16
DeepDream: Feature Amplification
Rather than synthesizing an image to maximize a specific neuron, instead try to amplify the neuron activations at some layer in the network
Equivalent to: $I^*=\underset{I}{\operatorname{arg max}} \sum_i f_i(I)^2$
Choose an image and a layer in a CNN; repeat:
Forward: compute activations at chosen layer
Set gradient of chosen layer equal to its activation
Backward: Compute gradient on image
Update Image
What is Texture Synthesis
Given a sample patch of some texture, can we generate a bigger image of the same texture?
Generate pixels one at a time in scanline order;form neighborhood of already generated pixels and copy nearest neighbor from input.
Texture Synthesis: Nearest Neighbor
Texture Synthesis: Neural Networks
Each layer of CNN gives $C \times H \times W$ tensor of features; $H \times W$ grid of $C$-dimensional vectors
Outer product of two C-dimensional vectors gives $C \times C$ matrix of element wise products
Average over all HW pairs gives Gram Matrix of shape $C \times C$ giving unnormalized covariance
Efficient to compute; reshape features from $C\times H\times W$ to $\mathbf{F}=C\times HW$, the compute $\mathbf{G}=\mathbf{FF}^T$
Neural Texture Synthesis
Pretrain a CNN on ImageNet (VGG-19)
Run input texture forward through CNN, record activations on every layer; layer $i$ gives feature map of shape $C_i \times H_i \times W_i$
At each layer compute the Gram matrix giving outer product of features: $G_{ij}^l = \sum_{k}F_{ik}^lF_{jk}^l$
Initialize generated image from random noise
Pass generated image through CNN, compute Gram matrix on each layer
Neural Texture Synthesis
Reconstructing texture from higher layers recovers larger features from the input texture
Neural Style Transfer
Feature Reconstruction + Gram Reconstruction
Texture Synthesis (Gram Reconstruction)
Feature Reconstruction
Johnson et al, "Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution", ECCV 2016
Neural Style Transfer
Gatys et al, "Image Style transfer using convolutional neural networks", CVPR 2016
Neural Style Transfer
Neural Style Transfer
Recall Normalization Methods?
Fast Neural Style Transfer
Replacing Batch Normalization with Instance Normalization improves results.
Ulyanov et al, "Texture Networks: Feed-forward Synthesis of Textures and Stylized Images", ICML 2016
Ulyanov et al, "Instance Normalization: The Missing Ingredient for Fast Stylization", Arxiv 2016
One Network, Many Styles
Dumoulin et al, "A Learned Representation for Artistic Style", ICLR 2017
One Network, Many Styles
Use the same network for multiple styles using conditional instance normalization: learn separate scale and shift parameters per style
Dumoulin et al, "A Learned Representation for Artistic Style", ICLR 2017
Many methods for interpreting CNNs
Activations: Nearest Neighbors, Dimensionality Reduction, Maximal Patches, Occlusion
Gradients: Saliency Maps, Class Visualization, Adversarial Images, Feature Inversion
Fun Applications: DeepDream, Style Transfer