Autoregressive Models
CSE 891: Deep Learning
Vishnu Boddeti
Wednesday November 11, 2020
A Probabilistic Viewpoint
Goal: modeling $p_{data}$
Fully Observed Models
Transformation Models (likelihood free)
Latent Variable Models (observation noise)
Undirected Latent Variable Models (hidden factors)
Bayes Nets and Neural Nets
Key idea: place a Bayes net structure (a directed acyclic graph) over the variables in the data, and model the conditional distributions with neural networks.
Reduces the problem to designing conditional likelihood-based models for single variables.
We know how to do this: the neural net takes variables being conditioned on as input, and outputs the distribution for the variable being predicted.
Autoregressive Models
First, given a Bayes net structure, setting the conditional distributions to neural networks will yield a tractable log likelihood and gradient. Great for maximum likelihood training!
\log p_{\theta}(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_{i=1}^d \log p_{\theta}(x_i|parents(x_i))
But is it expressive enough? Yes, assuming a fully expressive Bayes net structure: any joint distribution can be written as a product of conditionals
\log p(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_{i=1}^d \log p(x_i|x_{1:i-1})
This is called an autoregressive model. So, an expressive Bayes net structure with neural network conditional distributions yields an expressive model for p(x) with tractable maximum likelihood training.
Toy Autoregressive Model
Two variables: $x_1$, $x_2$
Model: $p(x_1, x_2) = p(x_1) p(x_2|x_1)$
$p(x_1)$ is a histogram
$p(x_2|x_1)$ is a multilayer perceptron
Input is $x_1$
Output is a distribution over $x_2$ (logits, followed by softmax)
Fully Observed Models
Direct data modeling
No latent variables
Example: Recurrent Neural Networks
All conditional probabilities described by deep networks
x_1 &\sim Cat(x_1|\pi) \\
x_2 &\sim Cat(x_2|\pi(x_1)) \\
& \dots \\
x_n &\sim Cat(x_n|\pi(\mathbf{x}_{< n})) \\
p(\mathbf{x}) &= \prod_{i} p(x_i|f(\mathbf{x}_{< i};\mathbf{\theta})) \\
One Function Approximator Per Conditional
Does this extend to high dimensions?
Somewhat. For d-dimensional data, $\mathcal{O}(d)$ parameters
Much better than $\mathcal{O}(\exp(d))$ in tabular case
What about text generation where $d$ can be arbitrarily large?
Limited generalization
No information sharing among different conditionals
Solution: share parameters among conditional distributions. Two approaches:
Recurrent neural networks
Recurrent Neural Networks
RNN as Autoregressive Models
\log p(\mathbf{x}) = \sum_{i=1}^d \log p(x_i|x_{1:i-1})
Handwritten digits
60,000 train
10,000 test
Original: grayscale
"Binarized MNIST": 0/1 (black/white)
RNN with Pixel Location Appended on MNIST
Append $(x,y)$ coordinates of pixel in the image as input to RNN
Masking Based Autoregressive Models
Second major branch of neural AR models
Key property: parallelized computation of all conditionals
Masked MLP (MADE)
Masked convolutions & self-attention
Also share parameters across time
Masked Autoencoder for Distribution Estimation (MADE)
MADE Results
MADE -- Different Orderings
Random Permutation
Even-Odd Indices
Row (raster scan)
Top to Middle + Bottom to Middle
Masked Temporal (1D) Convolution
Easy to implement, masking part of the conv kernel
Constant parameter count for variable-length distribution!
Efficient to compute, convolution has hyper-optimized implementations on all hardware
Limited receptive field, linear in number of layers
Improved receptive field: dilated convolution, with exponential dilation
Better expressivity: Gated Residual blocks, Skip connections
WaveNet with Pixel Location Appended on MNIST
Append $(x,y)$ coordinates of pixel in the image as input to RNN
Masked Spatial (2D) Convolution - PixelCNN
Images can be flatten into 1D vectors, but they are fundamentally 2D
We can use a masked variant of ConvNet to exploit this knowledge
First, we impose an autoregressive ordering on 2D images:
This is called raster scan ordering. (Different orderings are possible, more on this later)
Design question: how to design a masking method to obey that ordering?
One possibility: PixelCNN (2016)
PixelCNN-style masking has one problem: blind spot in receptive field
Gated PixelCNN
Gated PixelCNN (2016) introduced a fix by combining two streams of convolutions
Gated PixelCNN
Improved ConvNet architecture: Gated ResNet Block
\[\mathbf{y} = \mbox{tanh}(\mathbf{W}_{k,f}\ast\mathbf{x})\odot\sigma(\mathbf{W}_{k,g}\ast\mathbf{x})\]
Gated PixelCNN
Better receptive field + more expressive architecture = better performance
Moving away from softmax: we know nearby pixel values are likely to co-occur!
\nu &\sim& \sum_{i=1}^K \pi_i logistic(\mu_i, s_i) \\
P(x|\pi,\mu,s) &=& \sum_{i=1}^K \pi_i\left[\sigma\left(\frac{x+0.5-\mu_i}{s_i}\right)-\sigma\left(\frac{x-0.5-\mu_i}{s_i}\right)\right]
Recap: Logistic distribution
Training Mixture of Logistics
Capture long dependencies efficiently by downsampling
Masked Attention
A recurring problem for convolution: limited receptive field $\rightarrow$ hard to capture long-range dependencies
Self-Attention: an alternative that has
unlimited receptive field!!
also $\mathcal{O}(1)$ parameter scaling w.r.t. data dimension
parallelized computation (versus RNN)
Masked Attention
Much more flexible than masked convolution. We can design any autoregressive ordering we want
An example:
Zigzag Ordering
How to implement with masked conv?
Trivial to do with masked attention!
Masked Attention + Convolution
Masked Attention + Convolution
Gated PixelCNN
Masked Attention + Convolution
Class Conditional PixelCNN
How to condition?
Input: One-hot encoding of the labels
Then: multiplying by different learned weight matrices in each convolutional layer, and added as a bias channel-wise and broadcasted spatially
Hierarchical Autoregressive Models with Auxiliary Decoders
Image Super-Resolution with PixelCNN
A PixelCNN is conditioned on $7 \times 7$ subsampled MNIST images to generated the corresponding $28 \times 28$ image
Pixel Recursive Super Resolution
Neural Autoregressive Models: The Good
Can directly encode how observed points are related.
Any data type can be used
For directed graphical models: Parameter learning simple
Log-likelihood is directly computable, no approximation needed.
Easy to scale-up to large models, many optimization tools available.
Best in class modelling performance:
expressivity - autoregressive factorization is general
generalization - meaningful parameter sharing has good inductive bias
State of the art models on multiple datasets, modalities
Neural Autoregressive Models: The Bad
Order sensitive.
For undirected models, parameter learning difficult: Need to compute normalizing constants.
Generation can be slow: iterate through elements sequentially, or using a Markov chain.
Sampling each pixel = 1 forward pass!
11 minutes to generate 16 32-by-32 images on a Tesla K40 GPU
Faster implementation
Speedup by breaking autoregressive pattern: create groups of pixels
$\mathcal{O}(d) \rightarrow \mathcal{O}(\log(d))$ by parallelizing within groups.