Search Problems
CSE 440: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Vishnu Boddeti
Content Credits: CMU AI,
- Agents that Plan Ahead
- Search Problems
- Reading
- Today's Lecture: RN Chapter 3.1-3.4
- Next Lecture: RN Chapter 3.1-3.4
Reminder: Rational Agents
- An agent is an entity that perceives and acts.
- A rational agent selects actions that maximize its (expected) utility.
- Characteristics of the percepts, environment, and action space dictate techniques for selecting rational actions.
Rational Agents
- Are rational agents omniscient?
- No - they are limited by what they can perceive
- Are rational agents clairvoyant?
- No - they lack knowledge of environment dynamics
- Do rational agents explore and learn?
- Yes - essential qualities required in unknown environments
- So, rational agents are not necessarily successful, but they are autonomous.
Rational Agents
- Performance Measure
- -1 per time step;+10 food; +500 win; -500 die; +200 hit scared ghost
- Environment
- Pacman dynamics + ghost behavior
- Actuators
- North, West, East, South, Stop (idle)
- Sensors
Robotaxi - PEAS
- Performance Measure
- income, happy customer, vehicle costs, fines, car, insurance
- Environment
- streets, other drivers, customers, etc.
- Actuators
- steering, brake, gas, display/speaker
- Sensors
- cameras, lidar, radar, ultrasonic, accelerometer, mechanical sensors, microphone, etc.
Environment Categorization
Pacman |
Robotaxi |
Fully or Partially Observable |
fully |
partial |
Single or Multi Agent |
multi |
multi |
Deterministic or Stochastic |
deterministic |
stochastic |
Static or Dynamic |
static |
dynamic |
Discrete or Continuous |
discrete |
continuous |
Environment Categorization
- Reflex agents:
- Choose actions based on current observation (and maybe memory)
- May have memory or a model of the world's current state.
- Do not consider future consequences of actions
- Consider how the world IS as opposed to how it would be.
- Can a reflex agent be rational?
Agents that Plan Ahead
- Planning Agents:
- Decision based on predicted consequences of actions
- Must have a transition model : how the world evolves in responses to actions
- Must formulate a goal
- Consider how the world WOUDL BE as opposed to how it is
- Spectrum of Deliberativeness:
- Generate complete, optimal plan offline, then execute
- Generate simple, greedy plan, start executing, replan if necessary
What are Search Problems?
- A search problem consists of:
- A successor function (actions, costs):
- A start state and goal test
- A solution is a sequence of actions (a plan) which transforms the start state to the goal test.
Search Problems Are Models
Example: Traveling in Romania
- State Space:
- Successor Function:
- Roads: travel to adjacent city with cost=distance
- Start Space:
- Goal Test:
- Solution?
What is in a State Space?
World State: Includes every last detail of the environment
Search State: Keeps only details necessary for planning
- Problem: Pathing
- States:
(x,y) position
- Actions:
- Successor:
update location
- Goal Test:
Is (x,y) == END
- Problem: Eat-All-Dots
- States:
(x,y), boolean for each dot
- Actions:
- Successor:
update location, boolean for dots
- Goal Test:
All dot booleans are false
Search Space Size
- World State
- Agent Positions: 120
- Food Count: 30
- Ghost Positions: 12
- Agent Orientation: NEWS
- Size
- World States: 120 x 230 x 122 x 4
- States for Pathing: 120
- States for Eat-All-Dots: 120 x 230