Integer Programming

CSE 440: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Vishnu Boddeti

Content Credits: CMU AI,


    • Solving Linear Program
    • Integer Program
    • Branch and Bound

Linear Programming: What to eat?

  • We are trying healthy by finding the optimal amount of food to purchase.
  • We can choose the amount of stir-fry (ounce) and boba (fluid ounces).
  • Health Goals
    • $2000 \leq Calories \leq 2500$
    • $Sugar \leq 100g$
    • $Calcium \geq 700mg$
  • What is the cheapest way to stay "healthy" with this menu?
  • How much stir-fry (ounce) and boba (fluid ounces) should we buy?

Optimization Formulation

Diet Problem $$ \begin{eqnarray} \min_{\mathbf{x}} && \mathbf{c}^T\mathbf{x} \\ s.t. && \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x} \preceq \mathbf{b} \end{eqnarray} $$
$$A=\begin{bmatrix}-100 & -50 \\ 100 & 50 \\ 3 & 4 \\ -20 & -70\end{bmatrix} \mbox{ } b=\begin{bmatrix}-2000 \\ 2500 \\ 100 \\ -700\end{bmatrix} \mbox{ and } c=\begin{bmatrix}1 \\ 0.5\end{bmatrix}$$

Representation and Problem Solving

Problem Description

Optimization Representation $$\begin{eqnarray} \min_{\mathbf{x}} && \mathbf{c}^T\mathbf{x} \\ s.t. && \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x} \preceq \mathbf{b} \end{eqnarray}$$

Solving an LP

  • Solutions are at feasible intersections of constraint boundaries.
  • Algorithms
    • Check objective at all feasible intersections.
    • Simplex
    • Interior Point

Solving an LP

But, how do we find the intersection between boundaries? $$\begin{eqnarray} \min_{\mathbf{x}} && \mathbf{c}^T\mathbf{x} \\ s.t. && \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x} \preceq \mathbf{b} \end{eqnarray} \quad\quad A=\begin{bmatrix}-100 & -50 \\ 100 & 50 \\ 3 & 4 \\ -20 & -70\end{bmatrix} \mbox{ } b=\begin{bmatrix}-2000 \\ 2500 \\ 100 \\ -700\end{bmatrix} \mbox{ and } c=\begin{bmatrix}1 \\ 0.5\end{bmatrix}$$

What about higher dimensions?

Problem Description

Optimization Representation $$\begin{eqnarray} \min_{\mathbf{x}} && \mathbf{c}^T\mathbf{x} \\ s.t. && \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x} \preceq \mathbf{b} \end{eqnarray}$$

Shapes in higher dimensions

  • How do these linear shapes extend to 3-D, N-D?
2-D 3-D N-D
$a_1x_1+a_2x_2=b_1$ line plane hyperplane
$a_1x_1+a_2x_2 \leq b_1$ halfplane halfspace halfspace
$ \begin{eqnarray} a_{1,1}x_1 + a_{1,2}x_2 \leq b_1 \\ a_{2,1}x_1 + a_{2,2}x_2 \leq b_2 \\ a_{3,1}x_1 + a_{3,2}x_2 \leq b_3 \\ a_{4,1}x_1 + a_{4,2}x_2 \leq b_4 \end{eqnarray} $ polygon polyhedron polytope

Intersections in higher dimensions

  • How do these linear shapes extend to 3-D, N-D?
$$ \begin{eqnarray} \min_{\mathbf{x}} && \mathbf{c}^T\mathbf{x} \\ s.t. && \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x} \preceq \mathbf{b} \end{eqnarray} $$

Intersections in higher dimensions

  • Still looking at subsets of $\mathbf{A}$ matrix
$$ \begin{eqnarray} \min_{\mathbf{x}} && \mathbf{c}^T\mathbf{x} \\ s.t. && \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x} \preceq \mathbf{b} \end{eqnarray} $$

Linear Programming

  • We are trying healthy by finding the optimal amount of food to purchase.
  • We can choose the amount of stir-fry (ounce) and boba (fluid ounces).
  • Health Goals
    • $2000 \leq Calories \leq 2500$
    • $Sugar \leq 100g$
    • $Calcium \geq 700mg$
  • What is the cheapest way to stay "healthy" with this menu?
  • How much stir-fry (ounce) and boba (fluid ounces) should we buy?

Linear $\rightarrow$ Integer

  • We are trying healthy by finding the optimal amount of food to purchase.
  • We can choose the amount of stir-fry (bowls) and boba (glasses).
  • Health Goals
    • $2000 \leq Calories \leq 2500$
    • $Sugar \leq 100g$
    • $Calcium \geq 700mg$
  • What is the cheapest way to stay "healthy" with this menu?
  • How much stir-fry (bowls) and boba (glasses) should we buy?

Linear vs Integer Programming

  • Linear objective with linear constraints, but now with additional constraint that all values in x must be integers
$$\begin{eqnarray} \min_{\mathbf{x}} && \mathbf{c}^T\mathbf{x} \\ s.t. && \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x} \preceq \mathbf{b} \end{eqnarray}$$
  • We could also do:
    • Even more constrained: Binary Integer Programming
    • A hybrid: Mixed Integer Linear Programming

Integer Programming: Graphical Representation

  • Just add a grid of integer points onto our LP representation
$$\begin{eqnarray} \min_{\mathbf{x}} && \mathbf{c}^T\mathbf{x} \\ s.t. && \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x} \preceq \mathbf{b} \\ && \mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{Z}^N \end{eqnarray}$$


  • Relax IP to LP by dropping integer constraints
$$ \begin{eqnarray} \min_{\mathbf{x}} && \mathbf{c}^T\mathbf{x} \\ s.t. && \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x} \preceq \mathbf{b} \\ && \mathbf{x} \in \mathbb{Z}^N \end{eqnarray} $$
  • Remember Heuristics?

Solution of Linear vs Integer Program

  • Let $y^*_{IP}$ be the optimal objective of an integer program $P$.
  • Let $\mathbf{x}^*_{IP}$ be the optimal point of an integer program $P$.
  • Let $y^*_{LP}$ be the optimal objective of the LP-relaxed version of $P$.
  • Let $\mathbf{x}^*_{LP}$ be the optimal point of the LP-relaxed version of $P$.
  • Assume that $P$ is a minimization problem.
  • Which of the following are true?
    • $\mathbf{x}^*_{IP}=\mathbf{x}^*_{LP}$
    • $y^*_{IP}\leq y^*_{LP}$
    • $y^*_{IP}\geq y^*_{LP}$

Solving Integer Programs: A Naive Solution

  • True/False: It is sufficient to consider the integer points around the corresponding LP solution?

Solving an IP

  • Branch and Bound algorithm
    • Start with LP-relaxed version of IP
    • If solution $\mathbf{x}^*_{LP}$ has non-integer value at $\mathbf{x}_i$
      • Consider two branches with two different slightly more constrained LP problems:
        • Left branch: Add constraint $\mathbf{x}_i \leq floor(\mathbf{x}^*_{LP})$
        • Right branch: Add constraint $\mathbf{x}_i \geq ceil(\mathbf{x}^*_{LP})$
    • Recursion. Stop going deeper:
      • When the LP returns a worse objective than the best feasible IP objective you have seen before.
      • When you hit an integer result from the LP
      • When LP is infeasible

Branch and Bound Example

Branch and Bound Example

Q & A
