State Space Models

CSE 849: Deep Learning

Vishnu Boddeti


  • Attention Recap
  • State Space Models
  • S4 and Friends

Transformers for Sequence Modeling

  • Repeated Components
    • Feed Forward
    • Attention

Feed Forward Layers

    • Acts on each position independently.


    • Fully connected interactions.

Task: Language Generation

Predict the next word.

Input: The dog walked to the ?

Final: The dog walked to the park

Task: Long Range Arena (ListOps)

Calculate the equation ($\uparrow=$max, $\downarrow=$min)

Input: $[\uparrow 2\ 9\ [ \downarrow 4\ 7\ ]\ 0 ]$ ?

Final: $[\uparrow 2\ 9\ [ \downarrow 4\ 7\ ]\ 0 ]$ 9

Attention for Realistic Examples

Listops goes to 2000 steps. This is 100.

The Problem with Attention

Computational Complexity

Layer Type Training Inference
Attention $\mathcal{O}(n^2) - parallel$ $\mathcal{O}(n^2) - sequential$
Recurrent $\mathcal{O}(1) - sequential$ $\mathcal{O}(1) - sequential$

State Space Models a.k.a Linear RNN

State Space Models

Isn't this just an RNN?

Recurrent Neural Network
$$ \begin{align*} h_k &= \sigma(\color{green}{\mathbf{\bar{A}}} h_{k-1} + \color{cyan}{\mathbf{\bar{B}}}x_k) \\ y_k &= \color{yellow}{\mathbf{\bar{C}}}h_k \end{align*} $$
    • Discrete
    • Non-linear
    • Training: Slow (serial bottleneck)
    • Gen: Fast (constant per step)

Didn't we try RNNs already?

  • The last major RNN model in NLP - ELMo
  • [Peters et al., 2018, Devlin et al., 2018]

The Key to SSM

  • Efficient Models
  • Effective Long-Range Parametrizations

Discretizing SSMs

$$ \begin{align*} h'(t) &= \color{green}{\mathbf{A}} h(t) + \color{cyan}{\mathbf{B}}x(t) \\ y(t) &= \color{yellow}{\mathbf{C}}h(t) + \color{orange}{\mathbf{D}}x(t) \end{align*} $$
  • Discretize $A$, $B$, $C$, $D$
    • Zero-Order Hold, Euler Method, Bilinear Transform
$$ \begin{align*} h_k &= \color{green}{\mathbf{\bar{A}}} h_{k-1} + \color{cyan}{\mathbf{\bar{B}}}x_k \\ y_k &= \color{yellow}{\mathbf{\bar{C}}}h_k + \color{orange}{\mathbf{\bar{D}}}x_k \end{align*} $$

SSM through Sequential Scan

    • Expansion of terms: $$ \begin{align*} y_k = \color{yellow}{\mathbf{\bar{C}}}h_k \quad h_k = \color{green}{\mathbf{\bar{A}}} h_{k-1} + \color{cyan}{\mathbf{\bar{B}}}x_k \end{align*} $$

        h = 0
        ylist = []
        for i in range(sequence_length):
            h = A @ h + B @ x[i]
            y = C @ h

SSM through Convolution

  • Expansion of terms: $$ \begin{align*} y_k = \color{yellow}{\mathbf{\bar{C}}}h_k \quad h_k = \color{green}{\mathbf{\bar{A}}} h_{k-1} + \color{cyan}{\mathbf{\bar{B}}}x_k \end{align*} $$
  • $$ \begin{align*} y_1 &= \color{yellow}{\mathbf{\bar{C}}}\color{cyan}{\mathbf{\bar{B}}}x_1 \\ y_2 &= \color{yellow}{\mathbf{\bar{C}}}\color{green}{\mathbf{\bar{A}}}\color{cyan}{\mathbf{\bar{B}}}x_1 + \color{yellow}{\mathbf{\bar{C}}}\color{cyan}{\mathbf{\bar{B}}}x_2 \\ y_3 &= \color{yellow}{\mathbf{\bar{C}}}\color{green}{\mathbf{\bar{A}}}\color{green}{\mathbf{\bar{A}}}\color{cyan}{\mathbf{\bar{B}}}x_1 + \color{yellow}{\mathbf{\bar{C}}}\color{green}{\mathbf{\bar{A}}}\color{cyan}{\mathbf{\bar{B}}}x_2 + \color{yellow}{\mathbf{\bar{C}}}\color{cyan}{\mathbf{\bar{B}}}x_3 \\ \end{align*} $$
  • Convolutional parametrization: $$ \begin{align*} \bar{K} = \left(\color{yellow}{\mathbf{\bar{C}}}\color{cyan}{\mathbf{\bar{B}}}, \color{yellow}{\mathbf{\bar{C}}}\color{green}{\mathbf{\bar{A}}}\color{cyan}{\mathbf{\bar{B}}},\dots,\color{yellow}{\mathbf{\bar{C}}}\color{green}{\mathbf{\bar{A}}}^{L-1}\color{cyan}{\mathbf{\bar{B}}}\right) \end{align*} $$

SSM through Parallel Scan

  • Sequence of interest: $$ \begin{align*} h_k = \color{green}{a_k}h_{k-1} + \color{cyan}{b_k} \end{align*} $$
  • Compact form (assuming diagonal $\mathbf{\bar{A}}$): $$ \begin{align*} \log h_k &= \color{green}{a_k}^{*} + \log(x_0 + \color{cyan}{b_k}^{*}) \\ \color{green}{a_k}^{*} &= \sum_{k}^{cum} \log a_k \\ \color{green}{b_k}^{*} &= \sum_{k}^{cum} e^{\log b_k - a_k^*} \end{align*} $$
  • Faster than sequential scan by $\frac{L}{\log L}$

SSM in Practice

  • Extremely Poor...Barely learns
  • Routing here must be static and regular (conv).
  • Long convolution behavior is highly dependent on $\bar{A}$ $$ \begin{align*} \bar{K} = \left(\color{red}{\mathbf{\bar{C}}}\color{blue}{\mathbf{\bar{B}}}, \color{red}{\mathbf{\bar{C}}}\color{green}{\mathbf{\bar{A}}}\color{blue}{\mathbf{\bar{B}}},\dots,\color{red}{\mathbf{\bar{C}}}\color{green}{\mathbf{\bar{A}}}^{L-1}\color{blue}{\mathbf{\bar{B}}}\right) \end{align*} $$
    • Initialization of $\bar{A}$ is critical: stable and informative.

Getting SSMs to Work

Initializing SSM Parameters: HiPPO

  • Summarize history in vector $x$ with Legendre coefficients

Initializing SSM Parameters: HiPPO

Results: ListOps

Example: $[\uparrow 2\ 9\ [ \downarrow 4\ 7\ ]\ 0 ]\ 9$
Requires communication over 2,000 steps

Results: Long Range Arena

Selective State Space Models


  • SSM has fixed params $A,B,C,D$, attention is adaptive to input $x$.
    • Make SSM params adaptive to input.

Key Ideas

  • Convolutional view of SSM no longer valid.
    • Need parallel associative scan.
    • Custom CUDA implementation to overcome memory bottlenecks.

Mamba Architecture

Mamba Overview

Why Mamba? Why Now?

  • Contrasting trade-offs of transformers and RNNs highlight the crux of sequence modeling research: How can we improve model quality within the constraints of available compute?
  • Recent progress in industry: rapid forward progress not from algorithmic breakthroughs but instead dramatic increases in compute.

One thing that should be learned from the bitter lesson is the great power of general purpose methods, of methods that continue to scale with increased computation even as the available computation becomes very great.

Richard Sutton, Bitter Lesson
  • Both RNNs and transformers, potentially, have a limited lifespan since they make poor use of compute.
  • It is critical that we design models that better leverage compute while also maintaining or preserving fundamental model quality.

Comparing Attention with SSMs

Mamba Results

Results from Feb 2024: Hawk and Griffin

Results from Feb 2024: Hawk and Griffin

Results from Feb 2024: Based

Lots of Progress on SSM


    • Exciting progress on alternatives to attention layers.
    • High demand for high-performance low-compute alternatives to attention.
    • Next generation of architectures are likely to be based on pure SSM or SSM/attention hybrid.
    • Open question: Is ability to model long context necessary for high performance models?