CSE 840: Computational Foundations of AI
Vishnu Boddeti
Class Info
- Instructor: Vishnu Boddeti
- Class: Mon & Wed 01:00pm - 02:20pm
- Location: Erickson Hall 103
- Office Hours: Mon,Wed 02:20pm - 03:20pm
- Piazza for all communication
- Do NOT send emails to instructor or TAs
- Install Piazza App on phone, tablet, etc.
- Turn-on notifications for Piazza
- Your responsibility to check Piazza regularly.
- In class multiple choice quiz: 20%
- Mid-Term Exam: 35%
- Final Exam: 35%
- Lecture scribing: 10%
- Will share a One Drive folder where you can upload the source, PDF and any figures if necessary.
- One extra point for every mistake found in the lecture notes. Maximum of 10 points.
- Assignments (optional):
- for self-study, they do not need to be turned in
- will not be graded
The entire course is mathematical.
- Not required, lecture notes will be provided.
- But for students who want to read more we recommend:
- This course has adopted the Chegg and
Similar Sites policy. Submission of student work (e.g. assignments and/or exam solutions) based on those
found on Chegg, Brainly, Quizlet, and other similar websites will result in an Academic Dishonesty Report (ADR)
and an automatic failing grade of zero (0.0) for the course. The ADR for students personally posting questions
from assignments or exams to these sites will request additional sanctions.
ADR + Automatic Failure of the Course (no exceptions, no excuses)